Dr SonamKabra - Handwriting Signature Analyst Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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Dr Sonam Kabra an psychologist, graphologist, psychology counsellor, marriage, career counselling, handwriting & signature analystDr Sonam Kabra an psychologist, graphologist, psychology counsellor, marriage, career counselling, handwriting & signature analyst.

What does your handwriting n signature say about you? Study finds more than 5,000 personality traits are linked to how we write.

Are you an outgoing, sceptical people pleaser? Or an arrogant, practical person who has a tendency to lie? It can even be used to identify potential health problems including schizophrenia, high blood pressure as well as how much energy you have.the size of someone's handwriting can determine the type of personality they have. People with small handwriting tend to be shy, studious and meticulous, whereas outgoing people who love attention will have larger handwriting.The process of analysing handwriting is called graphology.

It is classed as a pseudoscientific because there are debates about how accurate it can be at determining psychological and even physical attributes.The type of looping created by the letters 'l' and 'e' can suggest a person's nature, for example, wide loops means someone is relaxed and spontaneous as well as open minded. People who write narrow loops tend to be skeptical of others and may restrict themselves from certain activities, which causes feelings of tension.If the dot of a letter is situated high above the base it suggests the writer has a great imagination. If the dot is close to the base, they are organised and empathetic. Procrastinators tend to dot their 'i's and 'j's to the left of the base letter, while child-like personality types will draw their dots as circles.Long crosses on 't's suggests someone who is determined and enthusiastic, but also stubborn. Short crosses tend to be written by someone who is lazy.If handwriting is an average size - in that the top of the letters sit just below the centre of line - the writer is well-adjusted and adaptable.

Moving onto the spacing of words, people who leave large gaps between words enjoy their freedom and don't like to be crowded, while people who write words close together can't stand to be alone and might be intrusive.

If handwriting slants to the right the person is open to new experiences and enjoy meeting new people. If handwriting slants to the left, that person tends to keep themselves to themselves.

People whose handwriting doesn't slant in either direction are logical and practical.

Personality traits are also identifiable by the way individual letters are written.the type of looping created by the letters 'l' and 'e' can suggest a person's nature, for example, wide loops means someone is relaxed and spontaneous as well as open minded.

Alternatively, people who write narrow loops tend to be skeptical of others and may restrict themselves from certain activities, which causes feelings of tension.

The way people dot their 'i's and cross their 't's can also be a personality indicator.

If the dot of the letter is situated high above the base it suggests the writer has a great imagination.

If the dot is close to the base, they are organised and empathetic.

Procrastinators tend to dot their 'i's and 'j's to the left of the base letter, while child-like personality types will draw their dots as circles.

Signature is a unique style of writing one’s own name. It is a snapshot of your personality and discloses a lot about your character and general outlook in life. Signature is also considered as an image that the writer is willing to show to the outer world.

It reveals about your nature and temperament based on the way you write your letters, i.e, small or large, dark or light, curved or angled. Personality traits like honesty, communication abilities, creativity, emotional stability etc. can easily be determined just by analyzing a signature. Other traits like social skills, outgoing nature, confidence level and goal setting abilities can be identified by analyzing the letters used while signing. Therefore, the way you sign your name represents your personality traits enormously.
名称 Dr SonamKabra - Handwriting Signature Analyst
插件标识 lmlclhifchbhcccilpdbdgphmmnpginp
平台 Chrome
评分 1
评分人数 1


作者 Marketing Co.
版本号 1
大小 19.78 KB
官网下载次数 105
更新时间 2017-01-06 00:00:00

