TrendLiker: Store price tracking & discovery Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 83

扩展ID: mdlgplkmlilcilghanphchnlmcdifkgk

Get notified when your favorite products change price and discover the coolest gifts, gadgets and products from Amazon marketplaceTrendLiker tracks your favorite items and lets you know when their prices go on sale so you always buy at the best price.

TrendLiker supports Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Redcoon, Fnac, Mango, MediaMarkt, Decathlon, Desigual, Natura, Hollister and many more stores.

With the Google Chrome extension you can see historical price charts right from each store you visit so you can make an educated guess on whether it's a good time to buy or you'd better wait until the item goes on sale. You just need to click a discount and TrendLiker will check the item's price every day for you.

TrendLiker users are already saving between 10 and 50% on average per online purchase, if you buy online quite often, that's a lot of money. What are you waiting for? It's free! :)

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名称 TrendLiker: Store price tracking & discovery
插件标识 mdlgplkmlilcilghanphchnlmcdifkgk
平台 Chrome
评分 3
评分人数 3


作者 Xavi
版本号 2.0.2
大小 59.3 KB
官网下载次数 193
更新时间 2015-05-29 00:00:00
