Rubrik API Code Capture Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载
扩展ID: mobibinbefmieblpnhabghboblgamkbj
Complete a workflow in the Rubrik UI and output the exact APIs used to complete that workflow.At the heart of the Rubrik API-first architecture is the fact that every action in the Rubrik UI has a corresponding API that is documented and available for use. Or in other words, if you can do it through the Rubrik UI, you can programmatically do the same through an API. While each of those APIs are fully documented, it can still be cumbersome to search through the API documentation to find the APIs you need and then determine which information you need to send with those API calls. This is where the API Code Capture extension comes into play. The extension captures the API calls that both Rubrik CDM and Polaris UIs issue to their underlying platforms. By opening the extension and monitoring which API calls are used when you manually complete that task in the UI, you can easily answer the question “how do I automate X task?”
名称 | Rubrik API Code Capture |
插件标识 | mobibinbefmieblpnhabghboblgamkbj |
平台 | Chrome |
评分 | 0 |
评分人数 | 1 |
插件主页 | |
作者 | Rubrik |
版本号 | 1.0.0 |
大小 | 1.15 MB |
官网下载次数 | 394 |
分类 | 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件 |
下载地址 | |
更新时间 | 2020-06-09 00:00:00 |
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.