Pitch shifter - HTML5 Video audio FX Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 19

扩展ID: mpmkclglcbkjchakihfpblainfncennj

Pitch shift the audio in HTML5 videos on any webpage, e.g., YouTube# Now fixed!! #

Pitch shifts audio from HTML5 Video sources on a page, without changing the playback rate (unless you want it to).

Potential use cases:

Fixing the voice of a too whiney youtuber.

A satanic version favourite movie clip.

Or a chipmunk remix of a legendary rap song.

Does NOT save any of your data to a remote server.
Does NOT load the pitch shifter on webpage until you enable it (won't needlessly slow your computer down).


If you get no audio from the video it may be that the video is an ad from a different site and the CORS policy prevents us from altering the sound. We're looking at ways of detecting this.


v1.5 8 Feb 2017
- Fixed bug no pitch-shifting bug on Chrome 56. Seems there was an API change/fix so thath AudioParam.setTargetAtTime(target, startTime, timeConstant) required startTime to use the currentTime from the Audio Context, not a relative time (we were using 0).

Change log:
v1.4 15 Feb 2016
- Range of semitones is -24/+24, which gives the same range as the "smooth" option, and is the same range as v1.2

v1.3 12 Feb 2016
- Fix issue with pitch shifting in tones not semitones. Thanks for the bug report guys!

v1.2 27 Oct 2015
- Pitch shift by semi-tones, experimental feature. Change mode using select box between classic smooth and new semi-tones.
- Fix bug where playback rate was not persisted when a video changed.


Nerdy stuff:

Uses Chris Wilso's Pitch Shift effect: https://github.com/cwilso/Audio-Input-Effects

Tonal pitch shift is based off statical "line of best fit" from mmckegg: https://github.com/mmckegg/soundbank-pitch-shift
Source code: https://github.com/foxdog-studios/pitch-shifter-chrome-extension
名称 Pitch shifter - HTML5 Video audio FX
插件标识 mpmkclglcbkjchakihfpblainfncennj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 188


作者 eldog
版本号 1.5
大小 12.19 KB
官网下载次数 20000
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2017-02-08 00:00:00
