I Call Bullshit Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 26

扩展ID: naeeingegopmacklcbacljgcpdnaefmf

Know an article is BS before you read it!A lot of news articles are just there to grab clicks or spread disinformation. There used to be no way to know until you’ve read it. Now there is.

How it works:
1. Install the browser plugin.
2. When you access a new article, if it’s BS, it’ll tell you.
3. If it’s not marked as BS, you do it - for your friends and for a better Internet.

You're welcome.
名称 I Call Bullshit
插件标识 naeeingegopmacklcbacljgcpdnaefmf
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 1

作者 tabacitu
版本号 0.0.6
大小 426 KB
官网下载次数 36
更新时间 2015-11-16 00:00:00
