"Go to" more URLs Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 18

扩展ID: ndkdheecpjccikkhjgkjkloojpjnijoi

Adds "Go to" context menu items for the "about", "chrome", and "file" protocols, which are not natively-supported by Chrome-Description-
   This extension adds "Go to" context menu items for "about:", "chrome://", and "file:///" URLs, which are not natively-supported by Chrome.

   I've tried to make it as easy-to-use as possible. For example, it will still work even if your selected text contains strings other than the URL, as long as the URL is the very first thing selected.

   If you wish to test this out for yourself right away, I suggest going to: http://www.chromeplugins.org/google/chrome-tips-tricks/about-chrome-more-internal-urls-7793.html
It's what I used to test the extension.

-Known Issues-
   • When the context menu is invoked on URLs that are forbidden by Google (chrome://, https://chrome.google.com/webstore, etc), the "Go to" option will be available and function, when it meets the right criteria, but it will use the URL that was selected last, instead of the one that's currently selected. 

This is because the half of the context menu process that's responsible for updating the context menu cannot run due to Google's imposed extension restrictions. 

I'm working on a fix so that the context menu item doesn't appear at all when invoked on restricted URLs.

   This is only a tiny side project, so I won't be spending huge amounts of time on it. After all, it only took me 2 hours to code and publish.

   Twitter (preferred): @mythofechelon
   Email: [email protected]
名称 "Go to" more URLs
插件标识 ndkdheecpjccikkhjgkjkloojpjnijoi
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0


作者 Myth of Echelon
版本号 0.9.87
大小 29.26 KB
官网下载次数 43
更新时间 2013-05-07 00:00:00