Always Inject jQuery Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 30

扩展ID: neappnndmnboecdfhflpbmfdhkanpaoa

Always inject jQuery into every page without clobbering any existing libraries.Tired of injecting jQuery over and over again every time you reload the page? Can't your extension do that for you? Well, this one does.

Always inject jQuery into every page, but don't clobber any existing $ or jQuery objects in that page. Your injected jQuery gets a name like $ or $$ or $j or jQ. The name is displayed in a badge on the icon.

You can choose to clobber the page's existing $ any time by clicking the button. (This might break stuff in the page.)

- Uses HTTPS for HTTPS pages
- Works on all *//* protocols, like chrome:// and ftp:// pages

The injected jQuery is the latest production 1.x.x release from Google CDNs.

Questions? Bugs? Please let me know on GitHub!

Sites blacklisted because they don't work:
- Twitter (comes with its own fresh jQuery anyway)
- Facebook (they actively block script injection)
- (It breaks; not sure why right now)
- Chrome Web Store (Chrome doesn't allow content scripts to mess with Web Store. This is hardcoded in the browser.)
名称 Always Inject jQuery
插件标识 neappnndmnboecdfhflpbmfdhkanpaoa
平台 Chrome
评分 4.5
评分人数 8

Justin Force

作者 Justin Force
版本号 0.2.6
大小 17.17 KB
官网下载次数 228
更新时间 2013-03-18 00:00:00

