下一页 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 95

扩展ID: njgkgdihapikidfkbodalicplflciggb

在页尾处,空格键自动翻到下一页When reading online documents or novels, I usually use SPC to scroll page. But SPC doesn't go to next page automatically. This add-on rebinds SPC key so that it scrolls page when there is more on the page, it goes to next page when you are at the bottom of a page. You can also press n key anytime to go to next page directly.

nextpage is free software released under GPLv3. The source code is hosted at github.

nextpage tries hard to not get in your way. If you find nextpage breaks your blog admin panel, some online registration form, or any kind of cool web application, please report a bug. You can also use (ignore-on "URL_REGEXP") in user config to disable this add-on on given website.

Currently English, Chinese and German web pages are supported.

nextpage allows you to bind keys to some nextpage related functions. Here is the default key-bindings:

SPC scroll up/next page
n next page
p history back

Here is the real code for this default binding:

(bind "SPC" 'nextpage-maybe)
(bind "n" 'nextpage)
(bind "p" 'history-back)

You can disable/overwrite built-in bindings and define your own bindings easily. Read the built-in help document with the installed add-on for more information. Click help button in add-on option.

This add-on is only 20K zipped.

BUG Report
If you found a problem and would like to get it fixed, please report it here:
名称 下一页
插件标识 njgkgdihapikidfkbodalicplflciggb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 11

作者 sylecn
版本号 2.9.2
大小 30.05 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-10-09 00:00:00

