YPixiv Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 27

扩展ID: nlfpnjjmniapblhoapfiiekalncldeah

Pixiv downloaderArt downloader, which sorts and downloads art from Pixiv: images, ugoiras, mangas and artists whole.
--0.48 (2020.09.10) Fixed bug with permission "*://*/*" (removed).
--0.47 (2020.09.07) Updated for new Chrome changes. Added permissions "webRequest" ,"webRequestBlocking", "*://*/*"; added a mechanism to bypass the error, when GET returns without "Access-Control-Allow-Origin".
--0.46 (2020.03.11) Bugfix: permission "declarativeContent" returned.
--0.45 (2020.03.06) Updated for new Pixiv changes. Some updates of pixiv-site appears at different rates in different regions, the difference can be up to a few weeks sometimes. Sorry for the delay.
--0.44 (2020.01.17) Bugfix.
--0.43 (2020.01.11) Updated for new Pixiv changes.
--0.42 (2019.09.26) Updated for new Pixiv changes.
--0.41 (2019.07.01) Bugfix.
--0.40 (2019.05.17) Bugfix.
--0.39 (2019.05.11) Now you can load from more than one tab at a once.
--0.38 (2019.04.07) Updated "danger symbols" list.
--0.37 (2019.02.10) Maximum webm's cluster length changed to 200 ms.
--0.36 (2019.02.10) Fixed bug with name of art with element "Submissions based on this work".
--0.35 (2019.02.04) Updated "danger symbols" list.
--0.34 (2019.01.26) "~" added to "danger symbols", fixed bug with art in "private" and "My pixiv only".
--0.33 (2019.01.26) Fixed bug with webm last frame.
--0.32 (2019.01.24) Little optimization (downloader + webm).
--0.31 (2019.01.23) Inner code-design changes + history clear option.
--0.30 (2019.01.22) Added ugoira .gif and .webm convectors, optimized subfolder textbox, small local chanches. Do not forget to press "Reset" button and set options again if you are already YPixiv-user.
--0.29 (2019.01.20) The design changed a bit.
--0.28 (2019.01.19) Fixed bugs with ugoira-zip size and art names.
--0.27 (2018.09.21) Updated for new Pixiv changes.
--0.26 (2018.09.20) Fixed descriptions.
--0.25 (2018.09.13) The download type "all at once" has been changed to the "queue", one thread, this removes the risk of skipping files when you are using internet actively. Added new numbering mode: "extra nulls", example - in the parameter's description.
--0.24 (2018.09.12) Fix names again.
--0.23 (2018.09.11) Fix art's and autor's names.
--0.22 (2018.08.02) Added new "Thanks" option.
--0.21 (2018.06.24) Fixed bugs with album size and autor id.
--0.20 (2018.06.15) Updated for new Pixiv changes.
--0.19 (2018.04) Fixed mistake with master1200, now it's real 1200, not 600.
--0.18 (2018.04) Removed some bugs with download end message.
--0.17 (2018.04) Added message of download end and image size option.
名称 YPixiv
插件标识 nlfpnjjmniapblhoapfiiekalncldeah
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 20

作者 Radzi
版本号 0.48
大小 155 KB
官网下载次数 333
分类 查看更多 相片 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-09-10 00:00:00

