MIST Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 96

扩展ID: ogmpcgbgpjnjkabloijcbaebdendddpc

Comments For URLsMIST is a Canadian based Micro-startup company that is run and paid for by one person. The goal of MIST is to introduce a deep immersion between visitors of the same website (most of whom are completely unaware of each other) through its URL specific comment threads.
MIST can be used in many different ways and is ultimately up to the ideas of the user and the nature of the website they are on. For example, comments can be used as product reviews, Q&A, or just keeping on the social pulse of your favorite websites.
Being a Micro-startup, MIST runs with little to no capital and while the server costs can be covered development to improve the application can be difficult and expensive. Every dollar helps and 100% of donations go directly to creating new features for improving MIST. If you have a few dollars to generously give, we would ask you to kindly donate. This is a great way to help keep MIST both alive and thriving as well as to show your support. Thank you.
插件标识 ogmpcgbgpjnjkabloijcbaebdendddpc
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 8

作者 mistmessaging
版本号 1.3
大小 225 KB
官网下载次数 38
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2014-03-05 00:00:00

