Redirect URL, Modify Headers & Mock APIs Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 76

扩展ID: mdnleldcmiljblolnjhpnblkcekpdkpa

Web Debugging Proxy to Intercept & Modify HTTPs Requests - Redirect URL, Modify Headers, Mock APIs, Modify Response, Insert Scripts🚀 Free developer tool to debug web applications - Intercept, Modify & Debug network requests. Used by over 170,000+ web developers in 5000+ organizations.

Requestly brings the power of Charles Proxy & Fiddler directly to the browser with a simple interface, collaboration features, active support & No VPN issues. Here are some top features

👉 Set up redirects for APIs, Javascript (Switch Environment e.g. Prod to Staging)
👉 Modify API Responses (Fixed Response or Programmatic Override)
👉 Modify HTTP Headers
👉 Share debugging sessions with Video, console logs, network logs, and env details with teammates
👉 Inbuilt Mock Server
👉 Insert external Javascript & CSS on any website
👉 Block & Throttle Requests

👉 Mock API Response - XMLHttpRequest (XHR) & Fetch Requests
    ▪️ Define Custom Response for your APIs requested by XHR/fetch
    ▪️ Start working on frontend when backend is not ready
    ▪️ Modify API response directly in Staging or Production environment
    ▪️ Works with graphQL APIs
    ▪️ Simulate fake HTTP Status Code (400s or 500s) for APIs
    ▪️ Simulate bad API responses and test different error paths in your frontend code
📌  Demo Video –

👉 Redirect URLs, Change Host, Modify Query Params (Map Remote or Map Local)
    ▪️ Use dev/staging APIs in production sites & test local changes without deployment
    ▪️ Debug remote Javascript by loading locally running JS in production sites
    ▪️ Switch Hosts (e.g.* to*)
    ▪️ Debug Ad Tracking Pixels, Debug A/B Test Campaigns, etc
    ▪️ Remote Debugging with Requestly on Production sites 
    ▪️ Swap Adobe Launch (Adobe DTM) scripts in production with staging script
📌 Demo Video -- (Map Local)

👉 Modify Headers - Add/Remove/Update request and response Headers
    ▪️ It can be used to handle CORS Issues in your application
    ▪️ Add / Remove / Modify Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame Options, X-Forwarded-For, Authorization, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, mime-type, user-agent headers, etc
    ▪️ Manage cookies in the response headers
    ▪️ Conditional URL targeting for header modifications
    ▪️ Selenium Integration - 
📌 Demo Video -- (Modify Headers Demo)

👉 Share sessions with teammates including Video, console logs, network logs & env details
    ▪️ Get quality bug reports from QAs, Customer Support & other non-technical people
    ▪️ Never deal with asking Steps to Reproduce
    ▪️ Attach the session recording link in Jira Tickets, Emails, or Slack anywhere
    ▪️ Improve debugging experience by 10x
📌  Demo Video –

👉 Delay/Throttle Network Requests - API Requests, JS, CSS, etc
    ▪️ Supports delay in both XHR & fetch based API requests 
    ▪️ Delay API requests to test the loading experience of your app 
    ▪️ Test different race conditions in your applications, you can delay a script by some milliseconds
    ▪️ Test your app when one or more APIs responds slow or fails (API Latency has gone up)

👉 Insert Scripts to any Webpage like TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey Scripts
    ▪️ UserScripts are simple javascript, CSS code that can change the layout of a page, add or remove new functionality and content, or automate actions.
    ▪️ Use File Hosting service to upload long scripts and Inject them using Script Rule
    ▪️ Inject your JS tags on potential customers' sites and test your features
    ▪️ The sales/product team can use this to demo the product directly on the prospect’s website (10x engaging demo)
📌  Demo -- (Insert Custom Scripts)

👉 Block requests or Websites by matching keywords or URL criteria
    ▪️ Block internal & external Scripts/APIs & test the impact on your websites
    ▪️ Build your own custom blocker: Block URLs matching a particular pattern - Could be Ads, Tracking pixels, Images, etc

👉 Additional Features 
    ▪️ Enable/Disable rules with a single click  
    ▪️ Export and import the rules and maintain a backup for your rules
    ▪️ Easy collaboration with others. Share Rules with other Users in one click
📌  Demo --

🏡 Website       -
📖 Docs          -  
🥷 Support       -
💻 Desktop App   -
📳 Open Roadmap  -

👉 HashTags - Charles Proxy, modheader, web, debugging APIs, AdTech, Intercept, requestly, adobe launch, fiddler, network
名称 Redirect URL, Modify Headers & Mock APIs
插件标识 mdnleldcmiljblolnjhpnblkcekpdkpa
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1016

作者 Sachin Jain
版本号 23.2.6
大小 881 KB
官网下载次数 100000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2023-02-07 00:00:00
