lob.li link shortener Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 39

扩展ID: nanlfcdjphgebdmajadafhdlbopelpdj

lobli shortening and resolving without having to visit lob.liShorten links without navigating away from your current website with ease! 
Hello, I'm lobli, I shorten links. I offer several options for shortening your links.

First you can click the icon I add next to your Omnibar to shorten your current page.
Right-click on a link to shorten that (I can also shorten the link to media files if you want to shorten an image from a link instead of the link).
And for those keyboard ninjas, my default keybinding to shorten the current tab is [Alt]+[L].

Why should you choose me over the numerous other link shorteners in the store? 
Well this is a difficult question to answer, but I'll do my best.
First, I am incredibly simple to use, one click and you're done.
Second, a lot of work was put into making this work nice with the newly designed lob.li link shortening service. 
Third, I'm open source! You can find my source code here: http://lob.li/w9n

How can you guarantee that the service won't just go belly up tomorrow?
My designer, c0de, put a lot of hard work into me and the service as a whole and believes that it should be as available as possible. My hosting provider isn't going away any time soon, and the domain isn't that expensive (the cost of a couple beers).

Can you add feature X?
My programmer is planning on adding some more features to me, but if you want, suggestions and comments are more than welcome! Email him at [email protected]

Do you have an API?
The short answer is kinda.
The long answer is there's a very basic text based API that I rely on. Feel free to use it, but it's not exactly user friendly at the moment. 

A link I shortened isn't there anymore!
by default, all links that are shortened with me are good for 1 month before they're absorbed into the ether. This can be set on the website, and an option is planned to be added to me that allows choosing link storage time in the next release. 

Any suggestions/feedback/criticism is more than welcome! I put a lot of work into this, but it's an ongoing project. Please let me know what you feel. 
Lob.li is currently in beta (this extension acts on the beta) and after a few weeks will replace my other link shortener. All links from both shorteners will be merged into the database, and all pre-existing links work on the beta site.
名称 lob.li link shortener
插件标识 nanlfcdjphgebdmajadafhdlbopelpdj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0


作者 David Todd (c0de)
版本号 1.0.2
大小 23.08 KB
官网下载次数 31
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2014-12-09 00:00:00