Image downloader - picture and photos saver Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载
扩展ID: cbnhnlbagkabdnaoedjdfpbfmkcofbcl
從 Instagram、Pinterest 等查找和下載圖片。 過濾或一次選擇全部以批量下載。簡單的圖像下載器擴展,按分辨率和文件類型過濾,一次單擊從多個選項卡下載照片。 圖片下載器讓我們一鍵讓您的生活更輕鬆。 此擴展允許您以簡單的方式從網頁下載所有圖像。 這個擴展並不重,只是簡單地完成它的工作——下載圖像。 幫助我們改進我們的產品並發表評論或提出要求。 圖片下載器簡單、快速、可靠且易於使用。 如果你想立即下載圖像,那麼你絕對應該安裝我們新的和驚人的 Chrome 擴展。 不要忘記與朋友分享這個擴展。 使用此圖片下載器,您可以查找、瀏覽和下載網頁中的所有圖片。 此外,您還可以: ➖ 基於像素寬度和高度的過濾器 ➖ 基於 url 的過濾器 ➖ 一次批量下載所有圖像 ➖ 選擇要下載的圖像 ➖ 檢查每個圖像的大小 ➖ 複製原圖的url ➖ 在各種佈局選項之間進行選擇 ➖ 支持所有主要網站(Instagram、Facebook、Twitter……) 現在您可以下載您可能需要的所有圖像。 每種圖像格式都可以通過此圖像下載器擴展程序下載。 我們的新應用程序重量不大,但可以完成工作。 不要等待並安裝全新的擴展,你會得到一些特別的東西。 批量圖像下載器 (BID) 可以輕鬆地從幾乎任何縮略圖 Web 畫廊下載全尺寸圖像。 支持最流行的圖像主機,例如 imagevenue、imagefap、flickr 以及其他太多無法在此處列出。 怎麼運行的 - 安裝圖像下載器。 - 選擇網站 - 打開擴展圖像下載器並選擇您要下載的圖像。 - 單擊下載按鈕並選擇要保存文件的位置。 - 所選圖像將自動保存。 從網站下載所有圖像。 輕鬆保存來自 Instagram、Pinterest 和其他網站的照片。 Instagram 圖片下載器 這是一個簡單的 Instagram Image Downloader 擴展,它向 Instagram 添加了下載和重新發布功能。 您可以免費保存 Reels 視頻,也可以無限制地從 Instagram 下載高質量圖片。 Facebook 圖片下載器 快速輕鬆地從 Facebook 免費下載圖像。 檢測所有圖像文件並允許以不同格式下載它們。 這是一個無需註冊即可簡單地從 Facebook 下載圖片的有效解決方案。 推特圖片下載器 它是 Twitter 網站的終極圖像下載器,允許您保存任何大小和質量的任何圖像。 只需打開網站,選擇要下載的圖像文件並將其保存到您的計算機。 Pinterest 圖片下載器 使用“保存到 Pinterest”按鈕,可以比以往更輕鬆地保存和整理來自整個網絡的您喜歡的想法。 只需使用 Pinterest 圖片下載器點擊幾下,您就可以跟踪所有美味食譜、風格靈感、DIY 項目和其他您想嘗試的想法。 谷歌圖片下載器 這是谷歌的一項服務,旨在存儲、組織和顯示照片和視頻。 Google Image Downloader - 下載網站,允許您保存任何大小和質量的任何圖像 速賣通圖片下載器 下載速賣通產品圖片和 html 描述以將它們用於您的直銷業務的最簡單方法。 使用這個名為 Aliexpress Product Image Downloader 的免費直銷 chrome 擴展程序從 Aliexpress 下載圖像和 html 描述。 Image Search Assistant 是一個瀏覽器擴展,可幫助您在多個引擎上按圖像進行搜索。 它集成了google、百度、yandex、bing等搜索引擎。 免費安裝圖片下載器! 與 Chrome 商店中的其他圖像下載器擴展不同,它們會向您收取不同的圖像下載選項。 我們是完全免費的,您可以一鍵下載。 您可以右鍵單擊要下載的圖像,然後選擇保存選項或從瀏覽器緩存中提取它們,當您在瀏覽器中查看它們時,它們會自動出現。 新的圖像下載服務介紹。 圖像照片下載器 感謝您使用它,如果您喜歡它,請給 Image Downloader 擴展 5 顆星! With this Image Downloader, you can find, browse, and download all the images present on a web page. Image Downloader is a tool that helps you find the images published on a web page. The images may be protected by copyright and you should always assume that they are. A powerful extension that gives you fast and convenient access to all images on any web page. Just click and download image on popular web sites such us Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and also on others sites, simple as that! Image Downloader easy to use with responsive and intuitive design, so you don't need a special skills to use it properly. Just a single click to download all the images and colors available of any webpage. You can now with this Image downloader click on a single image to download or click on the - Select All - button to select and download all images at once. Alternatively, you can select a single image to download. With a bulk image downloader, it becomes possible to download all website images simultaneously with simple clicks. What do you get by installing image downloader: ✔️ Filter based on pixel width and height ✔️ Download location (create folder directly to your images) ✔️ Display images in two columns ✔️ Filter based on url ✔️ Bulk download all images in once ✔️ Select what images you want to download ✔️ Check the size of each image ✔️Copy the url of the original image ✔️ Supporting all principal websites How it works - Install picture downloader. - Choose website - Open the extension image downloader and choose the IMAGE you want to download. - Click on the download button and choose where you want to save the file. - The selected images will be saved automatically. Now you can download all the images you might ever need. Every image format can be downloaded by this Image Downloader extension. Our new application doesn't weigh a lot but simply does the job. Don't wait and install brand new extension and you'll get something special. Download Photos from Instagram Now you can download Instagram photos or a picture in just one click using my new tool Instagram Photo Downloader. Download complete Instagram profiles; no login or signup is required. Pinterest Image Downloader Users were trying to download images from Pinterest through this image downloader tool, but it is not supported for Pinterest Images, and they weren't getting desired results. I realized the need for a tool that downloads all images from Pinterest boards, pins, user profiles, etc. and then I developed a new tool. Please use Pinterest Image Downloader to download pictures from Pinterest. IG, Reels, IGTV, Story, IG Downloader, Instagram Downloader, Instagram Video Downloader, Instagram Photo Downloader, Instagram Story Pobieranie, Instagram Story Pobierz, Pobierz bębny na Instagramie Instagram, IG, Reels, IGTV, Story, IG Downloader, Instagram Downloader, Instagram Video Downloader, Instagram Photo Downloader, Instagram Story Pobierz, Pobierz bębny na Instagramie Instagram, IG, Reels, IGTV, Story, IG Downloader, Instagram Downloader, Instagram Video Downloader, Instagram Photo Downloader, Instagram Story Pobierz, Instagramie Instagram, IG, Reels, IGTV, Story, IG Downloader, Instagram Downloader, Instagram Video Downloader, Instagram Photo Downloader, Instagram, IG, Reels, IGTV, Story, IG Downloader, Instagram Downloader, Instagram Video Downloader, Instagram Photo Downloader, Instagram Story Pobierz, Pobierz bębny na Instagramie Instagram, IG, Reels, Video Downloader, Video Downloader Download Image This image downloader and image extractor tool support all websites. You only need to open the website and run the extension. Download images in different formats: PNG, JPG, SVG, WEBP. Save your time with image downloader tool! Instagram Image Downloader, Facebook Image Downloader. Download fav image or to bulk download. Video Downloader, download video and image download formats: PNG, JPG, SVG. Instagram image downloader. Image downloader, picture downloader or download image. Image downloader tool. Instagram Downlader and Instagram image downloader. Save picture. Picture downlaoder, сhrome image downloader, video downloader. Bulk Image downloader The best user experience for all users. Why You Should Install This Extension Image downloader: 1. Unlike other picture downloader or downloader for instagram extensions in the Chrome Store that charge you for different image download options. We are complete free and You can download with one click. 2. You can download all images. 3. HTML product description Simple bulk image download extension, filter by resolution and file type, download photos from multiple tabs in one click. After installing this powerful Image Photo Downloader extension you will see a great improvement. You won't find a better tool to simplify the process than our new Image Downloader application. Help us to improve our product and leave a comment or request. Also don't forget to share it with your friends. Download the Image Downloader extension and see for yourself! Before reusing an image, make sure you check its license and the specific terms of reuse. Do not use any image, illustration or photograph without researching its copyright status first.
名称 | Image downloader - picture and photos saver |
插件标识 | cbnhnlbagkabdnaoedjdfpbfmkcofbcl |
平台 | Chrome |
评分 | 4.5 |
评分人数 | 800 |
插件主页 | |
作者 | |
版本号 | 1.0.5 |
大小 | 173 B |
官网下载次数 | 400000 |
下载地址 | |
更新时间 | 2024-05-06 00:00:00 |
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.