下载Twitter视频 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: gafbfkfkcfogdbcpannaipilhnjbbebd

从Twitter下载视频,GIF,tweet照片,个人资料图片,标题横幅,缩略图,字幕,调色板,标签。🚀 HOW DOES THIS TOOL WORK?

After you open this tool, a piece of code will be executed in the current tab. This code is responsible for analyzing the json code and find the id of the tweet currently showing on the screen. Tweets that do not appear in the screen frame are ignored.

After finding the video id, the tool continues to send a request to Twitter to get the json data. The download button will then show up below each tweet and inside the tools window.

Things you can download from each tweet include videos, gifs, every image in the tweet, detachable subtitles. You can view and enlarge avatars and banners with the highest quality. Easily copy palettes and tags in tweets.

Note: This tool only supports downloading files hosted by Twitter. This extension does not grant access to every website, so users cannot download videos from tweets embedded on other websites.


☀ Download Twitter video with caption.
☀ Convert Twitter video to mp4.
☀ Download Ultra HD 1440p, Full HD 1080p, HD 720p video from Twitter.
☀ Download Twitter gif.
☀ Twitter private video downloader.
☀ Download Twitter broadcast.
☀ Download original images from Twitter.
☀ Twitter profile picture viewer.
☀ Twitter profile picture downloader.
☀ Download Twitter header image.
☀ Download Twitter thumbnails.
☀ Automatically download and save the file according to the title of the video and the selected quality.
☀ Multi language.
☀ Optimized for Android.
☀ Suggest queries.
☀ Generate random keywords.
名称 下载Twitter视频
插件标识 gafbfkfkcfogdbcpannaipilhnjbbebd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1

作者 https://fbion.com
版本号 1.0.1
大小 488 KB
官网下载次数 853
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-09-19 00:00:00
