URL Rewriter Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 15

扩展ID: gpbblpbcnjdnnjdcdclojoonfmpoionh

Rewrite URLs according to a custom regex when accessing a web page.NOTES:
 * Don't let the unimpressive rating fool you. This is a simple, no-nonsense extension that does exactly what it says and no more. You have to know how to create a Javascript-flavor regular expression to use it.
 * Chrome will inform you that this extension can "Read your browsing history". This is a result of two permissions that we require: "webNavigation" to intercept navigation requests and rewrite the URL, and "tabs" to open the existing extension options page (if already exists) instead of creating a new one when you click on the icon. I do not care about your browsing history.

 * You can now remove part of a URL by leaving the replacement text blank.
 * The test page warns you if your rewrite rule is going to remove the protocol (http://, https://) from URLs making them relative.

Based on "Host name rewriter" by Mattias Lundberg.

URL Rewriter edits certain URLs, whether typed in or linked, via a set of rules before navigating to the URL. A rule consists of a regular expression specified in capture groups, a capture group number to replace, and the replacement text for that group. When you click on a link or type a URL in the address bar, it is checked against each of the rules. If a matching rule is found, the text of the specified capturing group number is replaced with the specified text.

 - Regex: ^(http[s]?\:\/\/.*\.)(toothboiler)(\..*\/watch\?v=.*)$
 - Group number to replace: 2
 - Replacement text: youtube

 - If you click a link for "http://www.toothboiler.com/watch?v=abcdefg", it matches the regex rule and capture group 2 ("toothboiler") is replaced with "youtube" to result in "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abcdefg".
名称 URL Rewriter
插件标识 gpbblpbcnjdnnjdcdclojoonfmpoionh
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 33

作者 Josh2112 Apps
版本号 0.13
大小 445 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-05-23 00:00:00