Book Discovery Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: mcncjmahblgagdfobildfnkbnboekioj

Book recommendation through web site you visit2015 July 4th Independent Day Update:
v 3.0.3 - Major fix of bugs due to changes in Chrome browser. Revive the book discovery features. 

(Official Description)
Book Discovery helps you find books that are related to web site you visit. It is powered by proprietary natural language processing and semantic analysis algorithm. Check:  for our add-on for Firefox, and Safari.

Book Discovery has a similar concept to Pandora, but we have a different approach. Pandora has attributes group (i.e. genome) for music, and analyze attributes for each song. We can't take this approach, as our job is actually to bridge two media - print media and Internet media - and earlier attempts to classify them (esp. for web) are not successful. Therefore, we take a natural language processing approach, which we believes is more scalable. Our basic algorithm is similar to what search engine use to analyze web page.

With that being said, we know we can't handle all web page successfully from standard of human intelligent. For example, books discovered might not be accurate for web portal/homepage which tends to be an index page of many topics. Our algorithm is designed to find a topic from web page you visit and discover book in that topic. The narrower the topic your current web page is, the more accurate book discovery is. For example, if you're reading this Hawaii travel site (, you will be surprised how accurate our service is. According to our own experience, about 70%-80% time you will see books that are relevant to your current web page. We acknowledge this, and are working hard to improve the algorithm. 

Book Discovery is designed to be the least intrusive. A heuristic logic is in place to prevent book recommendation from disrupting user's normal web browsing activity. Book Discovery will make the recommendation only when it's confident to do so. You can always override the default logic and explicitly ask Book Discovery to recommend book for current web page. Simply click the logo button around upper left corner of your browser's navigation bar (usually beside browser's 'home' button). Discovered books will show up shortly.

You are given full control on how discovered books are presented. In 'Options" menu which appears every time on discovered book notification box, you can choose to rank results by books' publishing date, or review rating; you can choose to see books that are open to pre-order; you can fine tune the frequency of discovery, etc.

Book Discovery takes great efforts to protect user privacy. No user generated data, identity, or other sensitive information is involved in Book Discovery's algorithm or process. Our source code has been through Mozilla's review process, and we released Firefox add-on several months ago. 

Our goal is to help you discover book you are not aware of. Therefore, Book Discovery is ...
- NOT a book search engine. If you have specific keyword in mind, you are better off to use generic search engine or search function in book stores. You can also try our Track New Book ( service to get notified of new books.
- NOT a price comparison service. We understand importance of a good deal under current economic times, but we focus on discovery and recommendation. 

A last note, the discovery algorithm running on Google's cloud computing platform is under constant tuning and optimization, and we also update our book database on daily basis, so you might find new books constantly appear even you've been visiting a small number of web sites. Let us discovery your next pleasant surprise!

Book Discovery now support all kinds of web browsers, visit to have it on your browser.
名称 Book Discovery
插件标识 mcncjmahblgagdfobildfnkbnboekioj
平台 Chrome
评分 3.33
评分人数 18

作者 Burke Mountain Studio
版本号 3.0.3
大小 2.77 MB
官网下载次数 626
更新时间 2015-07-03 00:00:00