Saleslift Prospector for Freshsales CRM Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: pdommphmmpigllpinhldpmdjgiedjdbk

Find Contacts, Leads and Accounts by location, industry, department, seniority, revenue, headcount and import to Freshsales CRM.Saleslift Prospector for Freshsales allows to search and find leads/contacts and accounts from over 1 Million accounts and 5 Million contacts and import to your Freshsales CRM.

Import Contacts/Leads:
 - Search and find contacts/leads by location, industry, department and seniority
 - Import to your CRM account along with business email address
 - Ensures duplicate contacts/leads are not added

Import Accounts:
 - Search and find accounts by location, industry, revenue and headcount
 - Import accounts to your CRM
 - Unlimited and FREE

Similar Contacts

Save time in researching and finding your next prospect. Saleslift’s predictive Prospecting engine recommends you qualified contacts/leads based on your sales pipeline. 


Forever Free plan:
 - Accounts: Unlimited
 - Contacts/Leads: 10 per month

Basic plan: $25 per month
 - Accounts: Unlimited
 - Contacts/Leads: 50 per month

Saleslift is not associated with Freshsales and the name Freshsales and logo are owned by Freshworks, Inc.
名称 Saleslift Prospector for Freshsales CRM
插件标识 pdommphmmpigllpinhldpmdjgiedjdbk
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 8

作者 Saleslift
版本号 0.0.5
大小 219 KB
官网下载次数 197
更新时间 2017-08-02 00:00:00