Elevar GTM Event Builder Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 37

扩展ID: aanpkkmackhljjnbcopdoidpdjngfooc

Browser extension for Google Tag ManagerThe fastest and easiest way to tag your site with Google Tag Manager. 

With Elevar's GTM Event Builder you can point-and-click your way to creating new tags and triggers inside of Google Tag Manager!

This extension allows you to create the following events for Google Analytics:

- Form Submissions
- Click events
- Visibility events
- Pageview events
- Automatically select the DOM element required for custom click triggers
- Google Analytics event tags with associated triggers automatically assigned

Once done tagging your site you can import these events in 1-click to GTM.

Release 2.11:
- Improved GTM auto-sync of tags, triggers, variables

Release 2.10:
- We've added a visual "Whats Tagged" feature. Now you can browse your website and see every event you've created visually! You can quickly see the event category and action for all of your Google Analytics events.

Release 2.9: 
- Added Funnelytics as another tag type in addition to Google Analytics

Release 2.8: 9/16/20
- added GA variable select into Google Analytics event tag

Release 2.6: 8/23/20
- v2 of extension launch
- Form submission tracking added
- Complete UI overhaul
- Full screen selection mode

Release 2.0: 6/22/20
- Release as part of Elevar move to company and websites
- Foundation completed for blending of Google Analytics and GTM data through the extension (coming soon!)

v6 Release: 4/10/2020
- More enhancements
- Fixed current page URL targeting
- Added additional pre-defined event categories
- Added search and filtering in event data

v5 Release: 12/17/2019
- FREE version released! Now you can tag and download your GTM events for free without needing a paid plan
- Misc bug fixes

v4 Release: 11/21/2019

- Support for power users that have many accounts, containers, and workspaces
- Made all container variables available for use in tags
- Performance improvements 
- General bug fixing

v3 Released 11/7/2019:

- Improve event creation and import step
- Performance improvements
- Removed GA variable dependency

v2 Released on 10/15/2019

Updates include:

- Improve event creation step
- Variable input selection fields
- Modified selection color from red to green
- Updated the event save & create another state to refresh fields
- Various bug fixes

v1.1 Released on 10/2/2019

Updates include:

- Extension now scrolls with you on page
- Improved UI
- Various bug fixes
名称 Elevar GTM Event Builder
插件标识 aanpkkmackhljjnbcopdoidpdjngfooc
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2


作者 Elevar
版本号 2.11.0
大小 643 KB
官网下载次数 2000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-14 00:00:00
