Globemallow Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于1年前 阅读数 28

扩展ID: jibhiolaefbcfiahgolfpmngjefngdmd

Get a sustainability grade calculated for visited websites, and see estimations of the amount of energy & CO2 produced on page load.Globemallow was created to help designers and developers build websites using more sustainable development practices.

Everybody can make a change that affects energy consumption of the internet. Follow internet design best practices, and try to push for your organization to standardize on them. 

Help Fight Climate Change:
* Become more aware of your internet browsing
* Discover how pages you browse can be optimized from a sustainable development stand point. 

What our reports show:
* Try to only use external font libraries when absolutely necessary
* Ensure images are being lazy-loaded on your site
* Try reducing image byte size when possible, or reduce the amount of images altogether
* Amount of cookies implemented on a page
* The list goes on.... 

Sustainability Grade:
* Globemallow uses the US Academic Grading System.
** A+ for a good sustainability website, F for websites that could use a little work

Built on Open Source:
Energy consumption estimations are supplied by The Shift Project:

Privacy Policy:

* None of your data is collected: browsing data is analyzed directly on the user's device and is not sent or processed anywhere else, or in any way.

* We use Chrome APIs to view network statistics to calculate your score.


Other Organizations doing some great things in this space you should check out:




Contact Us:
* Send any feedback, or ask questions using the email address under "Contact the Developer" link.

Donate : 
* If you are interested in helping this to become my fulltime gig then feel free to donate at - thanks. I hope you like it!

Known Issues:
* This extension may not work with security extensions installed. If report remains blank except for Green Hosting- it means a security extension is restricting Globemallow's algorithms. 

Keep checking back in for continuous updates.
名称 Globemallow
插件标识 jibhiolaefbcfiahgolfpmngjefngdmd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 6

大小 108 KB
官网下载次数 497
更新时间 2023-02-06 00:00:00


