Stop Autoplay for Youtube™ Extended Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载
扩展ID: nilnpbhnhmmjioijfgilcohbknkgfmpa
Stops autoplay on YouTube™. Extended: Starts the video when you focus the tab. Don't like? Use the version without 'Extended'.--- THIS IS THE EXTENDED VERSION: IT PLAYS THE VIDEO WHEN YOU SWITCH TO THE TAB --- If you don't want this, search for the version without "Extended" or use this link: Version History --------------- 4.1.0: Modernized the code, more bullet-proof stopping. Merry Christmas! Performance work; Also updated options page to give more information and a way to contact me when having issues. 4.0.5: This release stops pausing on playlist pages. 4.0.4: Right click on YT Video -> Loop is supported now. Version 4.0: A YouTube™ experiment plays the video after being stopped. This updates addresses that. Also, it has a better performance now. Description ----------- If you've ever opened a bunch of videos in the background, you'll know how annoying it is when they all start playing automatically. With this extension, videos only start playing when you actually switch to tab which has the video in it. You'll never have to worry about videos autoplaying in the background. Plus, they will auto buffer, so no annoying load-spinner. Do you encounter any problems? Feel free to contact me on the GitHub project page: FAQ --- Why does it auto play the video after I switch to the tab? See below: What means "Extended"? Stopped a video because you need to do something else? Switch back to the tab, it will start playing again. If you don't want the extended feature, try out the standard version: (Search for "Stop Autoplay for Youtube" (without the "Extended")
名称 | Stop Autoplay for Youtube™ Extended |
插件标识 | nilnpbhnhmmjioijfgilcohbknkgfmpa |
平台 | Chrome |
评分 | 0 |
评分人数 | 408 |
插件主页 | |
作者 | Jacob "kurtextrem" Groß |
版本号 | 4.1.1 |
大小 | 12.85 KB |
官网下载次数 | 10000 |
分类 | 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件 |
下载地址 | |
更新时间 | 2018-03-01 00:00:00 |
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.