CORE Discovery Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载
扩展ID: ockidfiihjhkngdalfnbeeepgfbmkmlh
One-click access to free copies of research papers whenever you hit the paywallCORE Discovery helps users to discover freely accessible copies of research papers. It is backed by CORE's ( huge dataset of millions of full text open access papers as well as content from widely used external services beyond CORE. Discovery reduces the time it takes to access full texts of research papers and the frustration associated with hitting a paywall on the publisher's site. With CORE Discovery, you can be confident to benefit from the highest coverage of freely available copies of articles anywhere on the planet. So try it, it's free. Why CORE Discovery? Our free CORE Discovery service provides you with: - Highest coverage of freely available content. Our tests have shown CORE Discovery finding more free content than any other discovery system. - Free service for researchers by researchers. CORE Discovery is the only free content discovery extension developed by researchers for researchers. There is no major publisher or enterprise controlling and profiting from your usage data. - Best grip on open repository content. Due to CORE being a leader in harvesting open access literature, CORE Discovery has the best grip on open content from open repositories as opposed to other services that disproportionately focus only on content indexed in major commercial databases. - Repository integration and discovering documents without a DOI. The only service offering seamless and free integration into repositories. CORE Discovery is also the only discovery system that can locate scientific content even for items with an unknown DOI or which do not have a DOI. How it works? Our service processes information from a wide number of authoritative scholarly data sources to discover, download and validate information about free availability of articles wherever they are located on the web. In this way, we are curating a vast database of freely available copies of articles. CORE Discovery has a preference for displaying first the open access content, originating from our approved content providers, and seeks alternative routes, providing access to free versions, only if they are not available from them.
名称 | CORE Discovery |
插件标识 | ockidfiihjhkngdalfnbeeepgfbmkmlh |
平台 | Chrome |
评分 | 0 |
评分人数 | 1 |
插件主页 | |
作者 | CORE |
版本号 | 1.0.4 |
大小 | 220 KB |
官网下载次数 | 1000 |
分类 | 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件 |
下载地址 | |
更新时间 | 2020-10-02 00:00:00 |
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.