历史趋势 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 48

扩展ID: nangghhladpnhlllolmdbdgeggionole

显示你整个浏览历史的交互图表和统计数据History Trends analyzes your entire browsing history and displays a variety of charts and statistics.  It's interactive, too: just click a link or a chart to filter your history by different criteria.

* Find your Top 10 most-used bookmarks:  Click the "auto_bookmark" pie slice on the Transition Type chart.
* View the Top 10 domains you've visited today:  Click the "Today" link in the "Daily Stats" section.
* Find out what URLs you visit at 3 in the morning:  On the "Time of Day" chart, click the bar (if it exists) for 3am, then click the URLs tab.

History Trends displays the following stats and charts:

* Total URLs visited and total number of visits
* Top 10 most visited domains
* Top 10 most visited URLs
* Top 10 busiest days (i.e., days with most visits)
* Daily Visit stats (e.g., average and median visits per day)
* Chart of visits per day as a time-series
* Chart of visits by hour of day
* Chart of visits by day of week
* Chart of visits by day of month
* Chart of visits by month
* Chart of transition type (e.g., link, bookmark, reload, etc)

* Please be aware that clearing your history will reset all of your stats to zero!
* Chrome only allows access to the past 3 months of history.

Have feedback?  Want to help with translations? Email me at [email protected]
名称 历史趋势
插件标识 nangghhladpnhlllolmdbdgeggionole
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 218

作者 [email protected]
版本号 1.5.3
大小 180 KB
官网下载次数 20000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-08-17 00:00:00
